Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Evil Presents Itself

February 25, 2014; 7:31 pm:

Something has become apparent to me lately, that is: evil presents itself. I have often heard other speak of (and have done so myself) how sneaky, sly, and cunning the devil is. It is true. He truly is the most cunning of all and was cursed for being so in the days of the Garden of Eden. And yet, there seems to be another side to this. . . .

I often refer to myself as being more addicted to lust than any of the other forms of sexual addiction. This seems true because of the urges and situations which present themselves. What are these situations? They can be anything: an attractive girl walks by, a commercial appears on TV, billboards, radio ads, plays, or even simple things like playing a game of Monopoly sometimes.

Basically, what happens is my lust for lust jumps into gear and my eyes will wander. I will catch a glimpse of a translucent shirt, or hiked-up shorts, or a logo written across the chest and it is enough to generate feelings and urges in me that transport my mind to another realm. Was Satan being sneaky in placing those things there? Not always. I went looking for it. When I look for it, I can find it. . .no matter where I am or what I am doing. It presents itself to me.

The hear of the matter is controlling thoughts. If I can control my thoughts, I can control where my eyes wander. When I control where my eyes wander, I can control my actions. When I give in, I can very easily set myself up for disaster by putting my being in a location where I am certain to find what it is I'm looking for!

As I learn to clear my thoughts, I will learn to stop tempting myself. Then Satan will have to get back to work doing it since I won't be putting myself in those situations in the first place!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As an idea I have found lust to be much more powerful when compared to physical or visual temptation.

Lust is what gives these images their power to tempt. Without lust they are just images. It is thinking that makes them so tempting.

I too wonder how many of these temptations are result of Satan's deceit and how many are a result of my appetite.

Good post!
