Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Answering a Prayer for Pie

6 Aug 2013, 10:45 PM

So, I risked turning on my computer this evening to play some games since I just wanted to go to bed, but there were still several hours left before bed. Eventually, I got tired, so I shut off the game. As it turns out, tomorrow is the first day of school. I am excited to meet my new students. Anxiety sets in high on nights like this.

Naturally, I decided to go over some last-minute stuff and go over the rosters to learn a few names before tomorrow. As I did so, I looked at the clock and said, it's getting late, I can finally go to bed. Then, about 9:55 PM, the phone rings and it's my neighbor. Apparently, her oven went out and she had just started baking a pie. She wanted to know if she could come over and use my oven. I had no problem with that, I was up.

Well, it gave us a chance to catch up. I hadn't seen her in a while. Her mother is soon going to meet the Lord due to some mysterious, but increasing cancer. We got to talking about various things, family, finances, how quickly her children have grown up, etc. Eventually, though, we decided that my staying up was an answer to her prayers.

She has been having a rough time taking care of her severely autistic son who currently can't even live with her, taking care of her mother on her deathbed who has been given three weeks to live, raising her other children as a single mom, and working full-time. She decided she just plain needed some pie and ice cream. Well, I guess the Lord wanted her to have that little bit of peace in her life. He had me stay up late so she could bake a pie and have a conversation to clear her mind of her stresses and life challenges.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Sometimes I find it easy to feel sorry for myself. I have an addiction and I think it's horrible. It is. But comparatively, my life is awesome. I have a wonderful job, a family who supports me, a girlfriend, my own home, a couple vehicles, a little cash to enjoy a movie now and then, and more. Sometimes, it's okay to just stop what I'm doing for a second, sacrifice a measly hour of sleep, and allow someone else the chance to have a piece of pie!

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