Tuesday, July 29, 2014

New to the Course

Tuesday, July 29, 2014; 8:17 pm:

Last week I was in group meeting and we had a new individual show up. There are a couple stereotypes of those who come to group: those ready to work and those who only want to get it done and leave. This guy wanted to get it done and leave. I can't forget the words he first spoke when he was given a recovery manual and told he can keep it, "Oh, don't worry, I'll probably give it back when the steps are over." Everyone else in the room smiled and chuckled under our breath. We were all thinking the same thing: "Yeah, I thought the same thing when I came. He has a lot to learn."

If ever there was someone who needs the steps it is this guy. He skimmed the headings and determined he could pretty much skips the first three or four steps because he was already good and they were not "spiritual steps". He just wanted to get it over with and be done so he could go get his temple marriage. We carefully helped him understand how the recovery process really works.

It's incredible how sneaky Satan can be in tricking us into thinking we are righteous, clean, and on the right track. That is why the first couple steps in the process are so important in the first place. The recovery process is so much more than abstinence: it is recovery. Half the guys in group already have temple recommends and are still in the first five steps. Some have finished the steps and have started over again. This is a sign of a person in recovery. They are doing all they can to overcome the sin and not just avoid it.

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