Monday, August 12, 2013

Temple Temptation

12 Aug 2013, 5:49 AM

So, a couple months back, as one of my goals, I decided to make it to the temple at least once a month. I can not go in at this time, but if I keep the habit, then I will be able to keep going once I can. It is at least worth it to get dressed, travel the two hours to get there and wander the grounds.

I have noticed, however, that Satan definitely does not like me to go. The pattern this last few months has been me dragging my feet about going and then, when I get home, those are the very nights I end up slipping.

Yesterday's trip was worth it, as they always are. I got to see family and spend time with Stephanie. She goes in and has been waiting patiently for me to be worthy to go in too.

The battle is real. But with the temple in sight and in the plan, I know I will get inside someday. The Lord has told me many times my answers will be given there. I need to get there to receive them!

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