Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Removing the Beast Inside

April 15, 2014; 7:34 pm:

Today I have decided to answer a question from the recovery manual. This one comes from Step 8 dealing with "breaking the cycle of bitterness and offense".

I have to quite agree with Joseph Smith in the fact that when I receive kindness, it encourages me to be kind. And when I am doled wickedness, it stirs feelings in me of anger, discontent, malice, and revenge. Where do I normally reside along the spectrum though?

I consider myself a rather easy-going individual. I don't seem to show too much emotion most of the time, but I do like to have a good time (even if my face doesn't seem to show it). I am someone who chooses to play gullibility just to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I also consider myself rather forgiving of others' mistakes as well.

But what happens when I get offended? I admit, that there is a monster hiding inside. He doesn't like to be fed at all. In fact, he'd rather hide out in his dark corner and be forgotten about. But, from time to time, he is given morsels to feed on. This only makes him more and more hungry. As he feeds, he grows. As he grows, he comes out of obscurity and into the light until his ugly face can be observed. His name is Spite.

I suppose everyone has an ugly side they would rather not have others see or even know about. I suppose most would try to hide him and ignore him. I have discovered that this only infuriates the beast.

Perhaps, with proper care, the dark corners themselves can be cleansed and the beast asked to vacate the premises. This can be done with little acts of kindness, service, and respect as well as faith in The Lord Jesus Christ to help with the cleansing.

I have a long way to go. I do not like feeding that monster and especially do not like letting him out. As I learn to be a more kind, caring individual, I too will be able to break away from bitterness and offense. Then I will have room to plant good things in the space inside!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post! I still struggle with that monster inside, but I'm hoping to starve her. :)