Tuesday, April 22, 2014


April 22, 2014; 9:26 pm:

How superficial is this? I got to thinking about this online journal. I started thinking about the original intent versus the intent now. I started considering the audience and purpose. Then it occurred to me: the journal has morphed.

A journal should be used to log what goes on: thoughts, actions, progress, failure, etc. I do not do that. I write to be read. When I write to be read, I hold back. Perhaps, just maybe, I need to keep a separate journal too.

I think about Step 4 in making a fearless personal inventory of my life. I am not being very fearless about it if I hide most of my thoughts and feelings. I have a tendency to want to write positive things only. I want to inspire those who read my blog regularly to be uplifted and gain some strength. But this is not what a journal is for. It is what a blog is for, but not a journal.

Am I truly being real or trying to write the next best thing on pornography addiction so that I can get more readers? The truth of the matter is that the blog has become a chore to check off the list of things to do rather than help in opening my thoughts and sharing with like-minded, like-willed individuals for support. I know I want to continue to blog, but I'm not quite sure it is a journal anymore.

Seems this entry is a true journal entry. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The title of your blog is what captured me. I want to better understand this addiction. I want to know all of its ugly sides, but I also want to hear what works in beating back the devil. As long as you are true to yourself and not write to please others, your blog will help so many. You are in my prayers!