Tuesday, May 27, 2014

No Cavities!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014; 6:58 pm:

Recently I went to the dentist for the first time in (cough, cough) 13 years. Why did I not go? Well, there were a couple factors I suppose. The first reason was that one of the things I hate more than most is anything metal scraping on my teeth. The second reason for not going was the money; let's face it, dentists are expensive sometimes and I needed my wisdom teeth extracted still. The main reason, however, was me worrying that I was going to come out with a mouth made of metal from all the cavities I would have since I had such horrible dental hygiene habits. I was so sure I had cavities. I did not like the concept of drilling, prodding, poking, filling, and then having to go the rest of my life worrying about biting something wrong and breaking it out.

Well, I finally decided that enough was enough and I had to go. My girlfriend came along for moral support (okay, so she set up the appointments, rushed from work, and drove me there. . .she did all the work, I was being a little kid!). The very first thing they did was the X-ray. I bit onto the uncomfortable machine as it whizzed around my head. Then I was led to the chair to await the results. The nurse/dentist/someone brought it in and placed it on the screen. Yes, I had the expected impacted wisdom tooth, and the top two were over-extended, but I found out I never had a bottom right wisdom tooth and. . . No Cavities! There were no cavities! The whole reason I was so worried about going in the first place did not even matter! I was worried about going to the dentist so badly because of something that didn't even exist!

This is how life goes I think. I look at my life, especially with the addiction and mope and complain constantly about how horrible I am and how many problems I have. Sometimes I forget how The Lord is willing to forgive all sins when I repent! Why am I so unwilling to ask for His help? As it sometimes turns out, there really is nothing to worry about!

It's time to have that spiritual X-ray and get it over with. No more lamenting that which doesn't exist! No cavities!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats! That's a great feeling isn't it? I had a similar surprise a while ago, though you have me beat with 13 years.

Put another way, reaching out to someone who knows more than you can help dispel fear. I think we have a lot of fears about what we can or can't change or what is or is not wrong with us.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure reaching out to those who are further along in addiction recovery will confirm how "messed up our teeth" are...maybe worse than our fears. But they will say "those fears that you can't change are COMPLETELY imaginary."