Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Gaming Therapy?

9 Jul 2013, 2:12 PM:

This particular entry is written as a therapy to get me out of the mood to give in to temptation. Quite frankly, I find it strangely odd to be tempted right now. I was playing an On-line game and had pretty much forgotten about worrying about temptation. It is always nice to forget about it from time to time. When my mind is not thinking about it, I know I am sobering up.

Unfortunately, gaming is not always the best thing for avoiding the temptation. All it really does is trade one addiction for another. My gaming addiction, however, won't keep me out of the temple, but that's no excuse to game all day either. The main issue with gaming, though, is the fact that I am sitting at the computer. It is really easy to just stop playing and jump on the Internet. Within seconds I will be able to access whatever images or videos I want. I know where they are. But right now I'm not interested.

Of course, by simply writing this entry on the computer I'm even closer to the Internet because I do not need to say goodbye to a lot of other players in the game and shut it down. This program shuts down with one click. I have, however, chosen to write the journal on this computer so that I can use it for good. The computer is, after all, a tool.

I will explain why I use gaming as an alternate though. In the gaming world I have to use all my senses (except perhaps smell and taste). If it is a game that I play by myself on the computer, it is easier to just quit and mess around. If the game is an MMO, then I have On-line "friends" whom I talk to and discuss things with. It is a very basic form of socializing. Unfortunately not everyone who games is clean in speech and thought. Sometimes, I find exactly what I am trying to avoid in what I considered an antidote.

I think I have sufficiently overcome the current situation of temptation in my ramblings. Not all of these entries are totally coherent, but sometimes it's just nice to be able to put words in writing to clear the mind from all the clutter.

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