Sunday, July 7, 2013

Showers are Evil

6 Jul 2013, 6:43 AM:

Showers are evil. Or at least that's how I feel about them. I find it really sad that that I can not get in the shower without worrying that I am going to give in. It's the sensation of being naked that automatically triggers the response that I am supposed to be sinning. Well, needless to say, I fell. It was painful to remove the bead from the jar which took me a week to get in there in the first place.

And, as predicted, as soon as I fell, I binged. The thought process involves something akin to: "I've sinned today already. I may as well do some more and start over tomorrow. Let's have some fun now that I'm already in trouble." It really isn't worth it. Drinking one beer is not worth getting drunk over because you feel bad about drinking the first one! Thank goodness I don't drink.

Thankfully, I was still smart enough to say prayers and read scriptures this morning. I just hope I can place the bead back in the jar tomorrow morning!


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